The complete club website is located at

(may not be accessible on all internet providers
 or may be accessible on your cell phone only)

North America's Oldest and Largest Club for all year Firebirds and Trans Ams including Formulas, GTAs and Firehawks!!                Established in 1984.


for all year Firebirds and Trans Ams  
including Formulas, GTAs, Firehawks and Conversions
Established in 1984

Phone/Text: 773-769-7166







Join the Club!




Credit Card/PayPal Form

 Secured Order Form




  Club Store

Submit Classified Ad


  Membership Renewal

Members Login 

Address Change  



We offer a number of different ways for you to renew your membership or order items from the club store. Choose the one best suited to you.

1. PayPal and Credit Card Order Form (below)
2. Secured Site using credit card

Postal mail options:
Membership application to fill out, print out and mail to us
4. Download and print membership application in adobe acrobat (.pdf) format to mail to us.


, checks and money orders


MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL (club store items and classified ad payment follow membership area below)
other payments (including ad payments)

Renewal Membership:

Place membership number if known and any changes to vehicle information including year, VIN number, model and color in the add special instructions to the seller area of the payment form.

* eMembership - receive Eagle by email and access to Members Only section of website - only membership card, dash plaque and decal sent via regular mail 

NOTE: Free t-shirts are available in Large, Extra Large, Double Extra Large and Medium and the color is usually white..

NOW UPDATED TECHNICAL SECTIONS - Volume II & III, copies of technical topics published from 1998 to current in the NFTAC Eagle, over 300 pages, indexed, on CD or USB drive or emailed in pdf format for PC or Mac (see list of articles and topics here).

*** past issues of the NFTAC magazine - the Eagle in pdf format for PC or Mac (1998 thru present), over 3000 pages on CD or USB drive or emailed


Renewal Membership in USA
If 3 year membership or renewal, then select free item
no free item wanted, say none:
Membership Number (if known):

Renewal Membership outside USA

If 3 year membership or renewal, then select free item

no free item wanted?, say yes in box below

Membership Number (if known):

Renewal eMembership*

If 3 year membership or renewal, then select free item

no free item wanted?, say yes in box below

Membership Number (if known):

Classified Ads:

(send the ad copy itself via regular email to or use the ad submission form here).

We offer free classified ads for members. Classified ads appear on the website, the emagazine and in the National Firebird and Trans Am Club printed member magazine and emagazine. Free ads are limited to one per issue and to 50 words. For nonmembers (or additional ads for members) the rate is $15 for 50 words or less. Additional words are 50 cents each (ads with additional words should be paid for using other payments). Ads include one color photo. Additional photos are $10 each.

The ads appear on our website as well as in our member emagazine and in our emagazine. Place other instructions in the add special instructions to the seller area of the payment form.

Classified Ads


(shipments to addresses outside the USA may be subject to additional shipping charges (buyer will have opportunity to cancel the order prior to accepting such)
Member window decal (one comes with new membership):


Member Decal - $2
Registration dash plaque (one comes with new membership-order additional here):

Dash Plaque

Registration Dash Plaque - $2
Back Issues (or sample) of Eagle magazine
- specify which issue in the area of the payment form.

Eagle Magazine

Past Printed Eagle
$5 - specify issue

Complete past issues of the Eagle in pdf format for PC or Mac (1998 thru current), over 2500 pages, emailed, on CD or USB drive (list of publications here):

NFTAC Eagles CD NFTAC Eagles on CD

Past Eagle Issues on CD - $15

Past Issues on USB drive - $15

Past Eagles Issues emailed - $15 (no shipping charges)

NFTAC Technical Sections Volume I:
complete copy of technical topics published in the NFTAC EAGLE from 1984 thru 1997, over 150 pages and 200 topics, ind
exed, printed, emailed, on CD or USB drive
(see list of articles and topics here):

NFTAC Tech Sections Volume 2 NFTAC Eagles on CD

Tech Sections Volume I printed - $20

shipments to addresses outside the USA may be subject to additional shipping charges (buyer will have opportunity to cancel the order prior to accepting such)*

Tech Sections Volume I on USB drive - $15

Tech Sections Volume I emailed - $15 (no shipping charges)

Tech Sections Volume I on CD - $15

NFTAC Technical Sections Volume II - complete copies of technical topics published in the NFTAC EAGLE from 1998 to 2007 by the NFTAC, over 150 pages, indexed, printed or emailed - see list of articles and topics here:

NFTAC Tech Sections Volume 2

Tech Sections Volume II printed - $20

shipments to addresses outside the USA may be subject to additional shipping charges (buyer will have opportunity to cancel the order prior to accepting such)

Tech Sections Volume II emailed -$15 (no shipping charges)

NFTAC Technical Sections Volume III - complete copies of technical topics published in the NFTAC EAGLE from 2008 to current by the NFTAC, over 150 pages, indexed, printed or emailed - see list of articles and topics here:

NFTAC Tech Sections Volume III


Tech Sections Volume III printed - $20

shipments to addresses outside the USA may be subject to additional shipping charges (buyer will have opportunity to cancel the order prior to accepting such)

Tech Sections Vol. III emailed - $15 (no shipping charges) 
NFTAC Technical Sections Volume II & III  - copies of Eagle technical topics published from 1998 to current by the NFTAC on CD-Rom or USB drive in pdf format for PC or Mac or printed or emailed, over 300 pages, (see list of articles and topics here):

 NFTAC Tech Sections Volume 2 NFTAC Tech Sections Volume 2 Tech Sections Volume II & II CD

Tech Sections II & III on CD - $20

Tech Sections II & III on USB drive - $20

Tech Sections Vols. II & III printed - $30

shipments to addresses outside the USA may be subject to additional shipping charges (buyer will have opportunity to cancel the order prior to accepting such)

Tech Sections II & III emailed - $20

Combo: Tech Sections Volumes I and II printed or on USB or emailed:

NFTAC Tech Sections Volume 2 NFTAC Tech Sections Volume 2

Tech Combo Vols. I & II printed - $30

shipments to addresses outside the USA may be subject to additional shipping charges (buyer will have opportunity to cancel the order prior to accepting such)*

Tech Vols. I & II on USB - $25

Tech Combo Vols. I & II emailed - $25 (no shipping charges)

Combo: Tech Sections Volumes I, II and III printed, emailed, on CD or USB drive:

NFTAC Tech Sections Volume 2 NFTAC Tech Sections Volume 2 NFTAC Tech Sections Volume III CD

Tech Combo Vols. I, II & III printed - $45

shipments to addresses outside the USA may be subject to additional shipping charges (buyer will have opportunity to cancel the order prior to accepting such)

Tech Combo Vols. I, II & III emailed - $30

Tech Combo Vols. I, II & III on USB drive-$30

Tech Combo Vols. I, II & III on CD  - $30

T-Shirt, high quality, 50% cotton (white with navy blue logo), M-L-XL-XXL: $18

White T-Shirt


White T-Shirt
T-Shirt, high quality, 50% cotton (black with white logo), L-XL-XXL: $18

black T-shirt

Black T-Shirt

T-Shirt, high quality, 50% cotton (maroon with white logo), L-XL -XXL: $18

Maroon T-Shirt

Maroon T-Shirt
Sweatshirt, Navy blue, Crew Neck, L-XL-XXL: $28



Polo Shirt, (Golf style) L-XL-XXL: $20

Polo/Golf Shirt

Polo Shirt

Other payments:

for shipping, advertising, additional classified ad words, etc. (use more than one button in combination to send the exact amount):

Dollar Payments for shipping, ad sales, etc.
Specify what payment is for:

Ten Dollar Payments for shipping, ad sales, etc.
Specify what payment is for:

Hundred Dollar Payments for shipping, ad sales, etc.
Specify what payment is for:

Thousand Dollar Payments for shipping, ad sales, etc.
Specify what payment is for: